- 當 AWK 從資料檔中讀取一筆資料列時, AWK 會使用內建變數$0 予以記錄.
- AWK 會立刻重新分析 $0 的欄位情況, 並將 $0 上各欄位的資料用 $1, $2, ..予以記錄.
例如 : AWK 從資料檔 emp.dat 中讀入第一筆資料列
"A125 Jenny 100 210" 之後, 程式中:
$0 之值將是 "A125 Jenny 100 210"
$1 之值為 "A125" $2 之值為 "Jenny"
$3 之值為 100 $4 之值為 210
NF 之值為 4 $NF 之值為 210
NR 之值為 1 FILENAME 之值為 ``emp.dat''where NF: Number of Fields in current $0
NR: Number of Records of currently having been read.
FILENAMEAWK: filename of current proceeding
2. 'PATTERN{ACTION}' or -f script.awk
the following two ways are same:
$awk -f pay1.awk emp.dat
$awk ' { print $2, $3 * $4 } ' emp.dat
if you save the script into a file named pay1.awk.
讀者可使用``-f''參數,讓AWK主程式使用其它僅含 AWK函數 的
awk -f AWK主程式檔名 -f AWK函數檔名 資料檔檔名
Mary O.S. Arch. Discrete3. BEGIN/END and array in AWK
for example, we have a data file like:
Steve D.S. Algorithm Arch.
Wang Discrete Graphics O.S.
Lisa Graphics A.I. Lily Discrete Algorithm
{for( i=2; i<>---------------------------------------
for(coursein Number)
printf("\%-10s %d\n", course, Number[course] )
a. NF=4 in this case, line number
b. END is a AWK之保留字, 為{ Pattern}之一種, like BEGIN. The only difference is END only run after all lines are proceeded, while BEGIN works initially before the script, and only one time (both BEGIN and END).
c. $i represents the ith elements in the line array, which is different from Perl program (in which, the $i is a variable name, in AWK, variable name cannot begin with $.)
4. Shell command and awk command
for example:
BEGIN {---------------------------------------
while ( "who" | getline ) n++
print n
where the who is a system command used in shell, and the getline is an awk command for input;
5. Filename in the script should be quoted by "",
for example,
BEGIN {---------------------------------------
print `` ID Number Arrival Time'' > ``today_rpt1''
print ``==========================='' > ``today_rpt1''
{ printf(" %s %s\n", $1,$2 ) > "today_rpt1" }
$awk -f reformat1.awk arr.dat---------------------------------------
a. if today_rpt1 is not quoted by "", then it will be taken as a variable (which default value is 0, or Null String in AWK.)
b. the redirection mark is '>', not '>>‘, even you want to append to the end of the file. The only difference between them is, for '>>', it will append to the end of the file if it's open first time and the file exists. For '>', AWK will create a new file when it occurs first time, then append to the end (like '>>'). This is little bit different from Unix.
6. Input and output command in Awk
AWK input command: getline
AWK output command: print, printf
7. three ways to run awk
a. $awk '{print}' file1.txt file2.txt
b. $awk -f myscript.awk file1.txt file2.txt
save {print} into a file(myscript.awk) first
c. $myshell file1.txt file2.txt
save awk '{print}' $* into a shell file(named myshell. Here $* means all parameters after the shell command. You also can use $1 represents the first parameter, and $2 the second one.
8. FS(Field Separator) and RS(Record Separator)
By default, the FS is any empty character (space, \t, ), RS is newline '\n'. But they can be changed, like
BEGIN {--------------------------------------- make_report.awk -------------------------
FS = "\n"
RS = ""
split( "一. 二. 三. 四. 五. 六. 七. 八. 九.", C_Number, " " )
printf("\n%s 報告人 : %s \n",C_Number[NR],$1)
for( i=2; i<= NF; i++)
printf(" %d. %s\n", i-1, $i)
ARGC=3--------------------------------------- week.rpt ------------------------------
Latex 簡介
VAST-2 使用手冊
mathematica 入門
AWK Tutorial Guide Regular Expression--------------------------------------- Output ------------------------[xianjund@douglasgran data]$ awk -f make_report week.rpt
一. 報告人 : 張長弓
二. 報告人 : 吳國強
1. Latex 簡介
2. VAST-2 使用手冊
3. mathematica 入門
三. 報告人 : 李小華
1. AWK Tutorial Guide Regular Expression9. ARGC and ARGV[]---------------------------------------
like C, but
a. ARGC does not include the -v, -f and their options. for example, in
$awk -vx=36 -f program1 data1 data2
$awk '{ print $1 ,$2 }' data1 data2
ARGV[0]= "awk"
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